My Husband Was Actually on Vacation When I Decided to Surprise Him at Work

I called Mom first thing the next morning and asked her to keep the kids while I worked. I informed her that I had errands to run. She was only happy to be of service; she failed to see the anarchy building up inside me. I chose to trail after Ben in order to have a firsthand understanding of the situation.

I maintained my distance as I saw him departing from the residence and into his vehicle. After driving across town, he finally reached Kate's residence, who happens to be my sister.
I couldn't help but gape when I saw him exit the vehicle. Kate came out to greet him warmly and show him the way inside.

My mind became vacant. Was there an affair between Ben and my sister? Was there any other way to explain it? I couldn't believe it. I felt the pain of betrayal so intense that tears sprang to my eyes. I had to know for sure.

I called my lawyer Carla after parking my car a ways from Kate's house. I put my faith in her judgment since she had handled some legal matters for us before. I spilled the beans to her in a voice quivering with pain and rage.

"Before you jump to conclusions, Julia, get some hard evidence," Carla said with a level head and an air of professionalism. Prior to taking legal action, it is essential to have complete certainty.

She was absolutely right, and I knew it. Going back to Kate's apartment, I began to skulk about like a spy. I was determined to find out regardless of how ridiculous it seemed. Through a window I peered.

Upon entering, I saw Ben and Kate bent over the kitchen table, cradling a stack of papers. They gave off an air of seriousness, and every so often they would look around as if they were ticked off.

What kinds of plans were they planning? As I continued to observe, my conviction that something was really wrong grew. They were plotting something more serious than an affair.

I snapped a few shots with my phone, trembling with fear. In order to confront Ben, I needed proof, something concrete. A myriad of terrifying possibilities were whirling around in my head. What steps did they follow?

I called James from my vehicle. In the beginning, he heard a bell. James, my brother-in-law, has always been the most down-to-earth member of our family. After being married to Kate for over a decade, he provided a solid, level-headed counterpoint to her more impulsive nature.

He and Ben had a great rapport, and they often spoke about their shared love of food and athletics. James was someone I trusted, and I felt he could shed light on this for me.

It's James, Julia. Regarding Ben and Kate, I feel compelled to talk with you.

Something halted. “Julia, please relax. Tell me what's going on.

I said, "I believe they're having an affair," with a quiver in my voice.

Then James let out a breath. "Please, Julia, come on over." At this very moment.

My thoughts were racing with treachery and horror as I hurried back to Kate's apartment. By the time I arrived, James had already parked his truck outside. I sneaked up to the house and looked out the window again. Ben and Kate joined James at the kitchen table.

I could make out fragments of their talk through the half open window.

"Julia called me," James remarked, his voice betraying his concern. "She is absolutely terrified that you two are involved in an affair."


Then Ben nodded. That implies her knowledge is limited.

"That's amazing!" Kate responded enthusiastically.

"Our plan is bearing fruit," Ben murmured.

It crushed me. It was plenty for me. I barged inside th