cabbage to the pan. Combine the garlic and onion by stirring well.Season with salt, pepper, ground cumin, paprika, and red pepper flakes, if desired. Mix well to spread the seasonings evenly.Toss in the seasonings and sauté the veggies for 10 to 12 minutes over medium heat, turning occasionally, or until the carrots are cooked through but somewhat crunchy and the cabbage is soft.Coat the veggies evenly with the soy sauce by stirring in the sauce. After combining and heating through, cook for another two or three minutes.After the cabbage and carrots have been cooked, take them out of the pan and set them aside to serve.Fresh dill or parsley makes a colorful and flavorful garnish.Take pleasure in:Hot cabbage and carrots are a tasty side or main meal. You can't go wrong with it with some crusty bread, rice, or quinoa.
As this cabbage and carrots recipe demonstrates, even with basic materials, you can make a delicious and gratifying meal. This delectable and healthy alternative may convince you to forego meat thanks to the blend of delicate cabbage, sweet carrots, and fragrant spices. Make it a regular part of your diet and enjoy it!
Savor it!