What Occurrences When You Consume Apple Seeds

2. The Quantity Is Important 🍏
The human body is able to metabolize trace levels of cyanide, therefore it's usually safe to accidentally ingest a few apple seeds. To obtain harmful amounts of cyanide exposure, one would need to consume a large amount of apple seeds, either chewed or crushed.

Are There Any Dangerous Seeds?
To experience cyanide poisoning, it is necessary to swallow 150-200 crushed apple seeds from various apples within a brief timeframe.

You would have to deliberately eat a lot of apples to ingest enough seeds to cause poisoning, as each apple has roughly 5 to 8 seeds.

3. All the way Through the Body, the Seeds 💨
Even though they contain cyanide, entire apple seeds may typically pass through the digestive system unharmed if swallowed unchewn. In order to keep the amygdalin inside from decomposing into cyanide, the seed has a tough outer shell.

The body gets rid of the seeds naturally, so it doesn't absorb any cyanide.

Cyanide poisoning is unlikely to occur unless the seeds are ground or eaten.

4. Possible Advantages to Health from Amygdalin 🌿
Amygdalin, often called vitamin B17, is thought by some to possess cancer-fighting capabilities; however, this assertion is still debatable and does not have scientific backing. Because of the high levels of deadly cyanide it contains, amygdalin has essentially lost its credibility as a cancer therapy.

The possible health advantages are not supported by credible data, and the dangers of cyanide poisoning far exceed any unsubstantiated assertions, which is why it is controversial.

Concluding Remarks: Although apple seeds can contain cyanide, it is usually safe to ingest a few by mistake since the body is able to detoxify tiny quantities. Nonetheless, cyanide poisoning may result by deliberately grinding or eating a lot of apple seeds. If you're worried about being sick from eating apples, it's safer to remove the seeds first.

No need to consume the apples' seeds—just enjoy them! 🍏